O Filmu
About the movie

Beyond the Peak

Uloge: David Rayman-Rajokovic, Father Dragan Petrovic, Ranko Radlovic, Father Marko Bojovic, Dylan Jensen, Geaorge Seat, Denis Kosorukov, and Adam 'Bato' Arsich

Režija: Aleksandar Jovic

Producent: Aleksandar Jovic, Alana Smythee

Scenario: Robin Humbert

Trajanje filma: 72 min

Kada se dogodi tragična nesreća, vera vodi put u planine, na put transformacije, prihvatanja i otkrivenja za grupu muškaraca iz Pravoslavne crkve Svetog Nikole u ​​Indijanapolisu.

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Beyond the Peak

Stars: David Rayman-Rajokovic, Father Dragan Petrovic, Ranko Radlovic, Father Marko Bojovic, Dylan Jensen, Geaorge Seat, Denis Kosorukov, and Adam 'Bato' Arsich

Director: Aleksandar Jovic

Producer: Aleksandar Jovic, Alana Smythee

Writer: Robin Humbert

Length: 72 min

When a tragic accident occurs, faith leads the way to the mountains, for a journey of transformation, acceptance, and revelation for a group of men from the St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Indianapolis.

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The mountains are calling...

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